Richard Leakey found the Omo I and Omo II fossils in the Omo river valley in Ethiopia, which were determined to be 195,000 years old. They are the earliest known fossils of homo sapiens. Based on genetic studies of mtDNA and Y-chromosomes, the journey of mankind from 165,000 to 8000 years ago, coinciding with the pre-agricultural hunter-gatherer nomadic phase of human evolution, reveals that nearly the entire globe was populated by the mankind before 8000 years as a result of constant migrations during the last 150,000 years. It can be claimed that humankind almost evolved and perfected verbal/lingual communications during this lengthy time given the large migration trends.There are so many variations in the languages spoken around the world due to factors like time, distance, environment, and tribes that it is difficult to draw clear genetic relationships between them.
The information in the compilation of humankind’s journey indicates that:
- Between 85,000 and 75,000.
the initial wave (batch) of migration of people from Africa to India. the original Native Americans. - 74000 years ago.
the enormous volcanic outburst recorded on Sumatra’s Mount Toba. The region of south Asia experienced nuclear winter as a result of the intense dust storms that followed, with volcanic dust dissipations continuing for six years up to India. Ice age activity occurred for a thousand years after volcanic activity. Most likely, widespread destruction of the human race, the natural world, and the vegetation happened in southern Asia. - between 74,000 and 65,000. Tribal people from Borneo and Assam in the northeast made their way into India.
- About 65,000 to 52,000 years ago. Indian coastal migrations in both directions have been depicted: (a). A NW Indian branch that is travelling down the West Coast This is the second wave of migration from Africa, and it may be physically more developed than the first. (b). A different branch from the Bengal side is moving along the east coast. This is the first group of travellers returning from the journey of Australia and South-east Asia. This branch might signify the arrival of Munda (Austro-Asian) tribes in India.
- 10000 years ago. The Last Glacial Maximum, commonly known as the Global Ice Age (LGM).Sea levels dropped by around 100m as a result of the Glaciation. Due to the exposure of many land bridges, which allowed people to go over sea routes, this made it easier for people to migrate across continents and land masses. The sea had receded, revealing a bigger coastline land mass, making it easier for people to migrate from India to Sri Lanka and vice versa across the sea via the Ram Sethu (also known as the Adams Bridge) land bridge. These geological and topographical features have repercussions that have influenced some well-known Indian tales.
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