According to anthropological studies based on the discovery of the oldest known human fossils in Ethiopia, the earliest known humans are believed to have arisen in eastern Africa around 165,000 years ago. Paleontology, paleoclimate, and archaeological research, along with genetic analyses of mtDNA and Y chromosomes, indicate that early humans evolved in East Africa and travelled to other continents as hunters and gatherers in the following period.
The general patterns of worldwide migration in the early history of humanity are summarised below using data from Prof. Stephen Oppenheimer and compilations made by the Bradshaw foundation. The statistics are only available for the 160,000 and 10,000 years prior to now. Therefore, migrations following the first ice age (10,000 years ago), the advent of agriculture (8000 years ago), and the rise of civilizations are glaringly absent from the research conducted thus far.
Years ago. Broad Human Migration events and climate
160,000. Origin of homo sapiens in East Africa
160,000-135,000. Hunters and gatherers. Migration along four divergent paths from Ethiopia. First generation mtDNA gene type L1
135,000-115,000. Migrations: Sahara> Nile>Levant
115,000-90,000. Levant branch died out. Desertification of North Africa. Reoccupied by Neanderthal man
90,000-85,000. Migrations: Red Sea> Arabian Coast> India. All non-African races evolved from this branch.
85,000-74,000. Migrations:Srilanka>IndianOcean>W.Indonesia>Borneo>S.China
74,000. Volcanic eruption at Mt.Toba, Sumatra. Indian subcontinent covered by Volcanic fly ash deposits almost depopulated.
74,000-65,000. Migrations: Timor> Australia>New Guinea. Repopulation of Indian subcontinent
65,000-52,000. Warming of climate around 52,000 years
52,000-45,000. Mini -ice age. Paleolithic culture.
45,000-40,000. Migrations: 1.East Asia coast >Central Asia >Steppe >NE Asia.2.Pakistan>Central Asia.3.Indochina>Tibet
40,000-25,000. Migrations: Central Asia>East Europe. Cave arts in France
25,000-22,000. Migrations: Siberia>Alaska through Bering land bridge. Native Americans
22,000-19,000. North Europe Asia, North America almost depopulated.
19,000-15,000.Last Glacial Maximum, 18,000 years ago. Bradshaw rock paintings, Australia.
15,000-12,500. Amelioration of global climate. Simple stone tools, flaxes, cobbles
12,500-10,000. Reoccupation of West America. Ice Age 10,000 years
10,000-8,000. End of Ice Age. Heralded agriculture. Sahara was grassland. Recolonization of Britain and Scandinavia.
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