Language and culture are highly emotional and sensitive issues. We have all grown up with a certain set of ideas, and it will be difficult to abandon them when someone suggests anything contrary to our desired opinions.
Anthropologists are almost unanimous in their belief that early man originated in Africa and that his tribes migrated to various parts of the world. According to Rosenberg’s(2002) study, based on heterozygozity or genetic diversity, humans originated in East Africa, around Kenya, where the oldest modern human fossils were discovered, and migrated to other parts of the world. The Harappa–Mohenjodaro and Sind/Baluchistan areas where early Indian civilizations are recorded are also along human migration paths.
Dravidians and Aryans have lived in India for at least 3500 years. They developed languages and cultural trends that are now well established. It should not be assumed that all Dravidians and Aryans originated and evolved solely within this declared motherland.
It is similar to the pleasant experience we have in our own home or in the town where many of our ancestors once lived. Just because several generations of our ancestors lived in this house or town and etched unforgettable pages in history does not mean that one of our primal ancestors came from another town and settled here at some point in history.
If we believe that human populations migrated, we must assume that the protolanguages they spoke and the cultural habits they were accustomed to migrated with them to different parts of the world.
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